SJP aims to provide a learning environment that
that enables our boys to be the best they can be.
Our objective is to create a blended learning platform to support and extend our learners throughout their education at St John’s. This would include both academic and co-curricular aspects of school life.

It is our vision to integrate effective online support with our traditional face-to-face activities in a planned, pedagogically valuable manner. SJP envisions longevity in the quality of education provided to learners and therefore needs to be adaptive towards support and management of those with learning difficulties. Implementing a strong support structure within the Leonardo’s Department, as well as a systematic approach to how we support the boys within the whole school, will enable us to do this.
Research continues to direct the need to support teachers within their classes, as inclusive teaching has become a preferred approach within the modern education system. Therefore, integrated co-teaching (collaborative team teaching) is one of the ways we hope to help learners to be the best that they can be.

The role
of Leonardo’s is to:
- provide CPD to maintain and improve teaching practices which include differentiation
- use online platforms and apps to extend learning eg Eduten and Writer’s Toolbox
- offer extra lessons in the afternoons
- use Co-teaching for intervention and extension
- provide remedial support both in and out of the classroom
- organize referrals for specialist reports
- use CEM assessments to ascertain what support is required as well as to reassess progress.