St John’s College is recognised as
a leader in holistic education.
Our dedicated teachers have a deep understanding of boys’ yearning for purpose and the extent to which boys respond to narrative, discursive and experiential learning. We take an integrated approach to foster academic curiosity whilst preparing our students to succeed in the esteemed Cambridge International Examinations, City & Guilds Examinations, and beyond.
Bearing in mind Albert Einstein’s assertion that “education is that which remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school,”1 we celebrate our students’ contributions in Sport, Culture, Leadership and Service as, combined with Academics, these mould their development as a whole person, with life-long impact.

Students’ academic performance is monitored, and interventions are tailored to assist our leaners to be the best that they can be. In this regard, our Academic team works closely with the Da Vinci Centre which supports the work of teaching departments and provides specialist guidance to our boys. Our Academic Heads work closely with our Educational Psychologist and Careers Counsellor to tailor the optimum path for each student.
We value each and every learner and understand that the most effective teaching and learning is relationship-based. We seek to build our students’ belief in their own innate value, and academic results follow as we create and nurture an environment in which our boys can thrive.
1 Einstein, A, On Education (1936).