St John’s College ‘Outdoor Education’

‘The only way to learn to appreciate creation
is to experience it.
The only way to learn to love people is to spend time with them. Nothing provides a backdrop to lifelong friendship like adventure, campfires and physical challenges.’
Dr Matt Mbanga
Fundamental to our ‘ethos’ is the value we place on Experiential Education. The ‘outdoors’ is, in fact, a classroom of infinite resources.
- The immense value of experiential education is recognized universally.
- Any trip outside of a classroom/school invariably becomes a journey of both inward and external discovery. We only learn and grow best as individuals when we are out of our ‘comfort zones’.
- The ‘Outdoor education’ Programme at SJC provides our students with challenging experiences in supportive educational formats so that each student develops inner strength, character and resolve.
- Sometimes the trips are visits to historical sites (like Great Zimbabwe) or stays overnight and hikes (with experienced guides) in wildlife areas, like the Zambezi Valley and Gona Re Zhou. In ‘Outdoor Education’ the medium is often physical, but the desired effect is very much psychological, emotional, and social.
The St John’s programme is based on the successful, tried and tested principles of ‘Outward Bound’ education.
Here are the principles, as outlined on the OB International website:
‘Character Development:
Developing capacities of mind, body and spirit to better understand one’s responsibilities to self, others and community.
Key areas of development are:
- Self-knowledge
- Craftsmanship
- Tenacity and resilience
- Physical fitness
- Teamwork
- Servant Leadership
- Self-Reliance
- Acceptance of Responsibility
- Ability to transcend self-imposed limits

Adventure and Challenge:
Action that requires special effort. Exciting and remarkable experiences that involve uncertain outcomes and acceptable risks.
Learning through Experience:
An educational process based on action and reflection. Experiences are intentionally designed, presented and reflected upon to instil values and promote skill mastery.

Compassion and Service:
An active expression of the value we place on our common humanity, our diversity and the natural world. A heartfelt caring connection to each other and the world around us. Compassionate behaviours and a service ethic that encompass both giving and receiving.
Social and Environmental Responsibility:
Instilling in participants a sense of integrity that results in choices and actions that have a positive impact on society and the environment.’

Cav. C. Trinci O.M.R.I.